To play on the PVP Game Mode, the first thing that is required is an active PVP Ticket.

What do I need?

  1. At least 1 Huddle Pal
  2. 50000+ BLAST
  3. 20+ Room Boosts

Any of these give you 1 PVP ticket and it can be stacked to a max of 15 Tickets. example: 100 Boosts = 5 Tickets and 5 Pals is 5 Tickets

Note: You don’t need all of these, just 1 Huddle Pal or 50000 BLAST will work. Example: Holding 1 Huddle Pal and 50000 BLAST will give you 2 tickets

Tickets refreshes every day at 00:00 UTC+0, so if you got an asset after this, you’d have to wait until the next reset

How to play

  1. Create Challenge

Each challenge costs you 1 ticket and you set the rules, fill your deck and wait for your opponents approval.. If they approve, the match goes forward or gets cancelled if they decline

  1. Approve Challenge as Opponent

Other users can send you requests, this will also cost 1 Ticket to approve and you fill your deck as soon as you accept.. you’d have 30 minutes to do this before the match starts or it gets cancelled.

Whether you are an opponent or challenger, the next step after a successful challenge is to fill your deck in accordance with the rarity and star limit agreed upon.

Prize Distribution Plan:

Winner: 100% Gold, 85% Points

Loser: 15% Points